Talks and Events

Where to find me.


Conferences, Colloquia, and Seminars



Conferences, Seminars

  • December 12–14: Cambridge-LMU Workshop, MPE Garching, Germany
  • December 3–6: ORIGINS Science Week, Kloster Irsee, Germany
  • November 20: Cosmology Lunch, University of Cambridge, UK
  • June: Observing the Universe at millimeter wavelengths, LPSC Grenoble, France

Collaboration Meetings

  • January: DES collaboration meeting in Portsmouth
  • July: SPT-3G collaboration meeting (remotely)
  • July: LSST-DESC collaboration meeting (remotely)
  • August: CMB-S4 collaboration meeting (remotely)
  • October: DES collaboration meeting
  • October: SPT cluster collaboration meeting


Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops

  • November 17: Webinar (remote – LIneA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  • November 7–11: AstroParticle Symposium 2022, Pascal Institute of the Paris-Saclay University, France
  • June 27: Cosmo-seminar at Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (remote – IAS, Orsay, France)
  • June 1–3: Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Science in the 2020s: Connecting Theory, Simulations, and Observations (Flatiron Institute, New York City, USA)
  • May 9–June 3: I am organizing a workshop Advances in Cosmology through Numerical Simulations at MIAPbP in Garching (Germany) with Raul Angulo, Shirley Ho, Laurence Perreault-Levasseur, and Romain Teyssier
  • May 6: Neutrino Cosmology Day (MPA, Garching, Germany)

Collaboration Meetings

  • October: SPT cluster working group meeting
  • August: CMB-S4 collaboration meeting
  • May: DES collaboration meeting
  • May: CMB-S4 collaboration meeting
  • March: SPT-3G collaboration meeting
  • February: LSST-DESC collaboration meeting
  • February: Euclid Cluster of Galaxies working group meeting
  • January: eROSITA consortium and cluster working group meetings


Conferences and Workshops

Collaboration Meetings

  • October: SPT cluster working group meeting
  • August: CMB-S4 collaboration meeting
  • July: LSST-DESC collaboration meeting
  • May: DES collaboration meeting
  • March: CMB-S4 collaboration meeting
  • February: LSST-DESC collaboration meeting
  • February: SPT collaboration meeting
  • February: Euclid Cluster of Galaxies full working group meeting
  • January: eROSITA DE consortium meeting

Highlights 2016–2020

Select Invited Talks, Seminars, Colloquia

  • Institute Colloquium, University Observatory LMU Munich, Germany
  • Astrophysics Seminar, University of Trieste, Italy
  • Astronomy Lunch Talk, MIT, USA
  • Towards Coordination of the European CMB program, APC Paris, France
  • Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters, Sexten CfA, Italy
  • Astronomy Colloquium, University of Sussex, UK
  • Cosmology – The Next Decade, ICTS Bangalore, India
  • German Long Wavelength Consortium (GLOW) Annual Assembly, Jena, Germany
  • Consistency of cosmological datasets: Evidence for new physics?, KICC Cambridge, UK
  • Astronomy Seminar, University of Michigan, USA
  • Galaxies & Cosmology Seminar, CfA Harvard, USA
  • Astrophysics Seminar, Fermilab, USA