Curriculum Vitae

Academic Appointments

LMU Munich, Faculty — since 2023
LMU Munich, Research scientist — 2018–2022
Argonne National Laboratory, Postdoctoral researcher — 2016 & 17
LMU Munich, Postdoctoral researcher — 2015


LMU Munich, PhD in Astrophysics — 2011–2015
ENSPG Grenoble, France — 2007/08
LMU Munich, Diploma in physics — 2005–2011

Service and Leadership

Coordinator of the Astrophysics Masters program at LMU
Euclid Consortium: Co-lead of Cluster Likelihood work package
PI of the Munich Excellence Cluster ORIGINS
Main organizer of workshop ”Advances in Cosmology through Numerical Simulations" at MIAPbP (2022)
Dark Energy Survey: Co-convener of the Clusters Working Group (2020–2024)
Dark Energy Survey: Member of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee (2021–2023)
Dark Energy Survey: DESxSPT Clusters Analysis Team co-convener (2019–2021)


Astrophysics and Cosmology

I am actively involved in cosmological surveys that explore the sky and our universe at different wavelengths: the South Pole Telescope (SPT, millimeter-waves or microwaves) and the Dark Energy Survey (DES, optical galaxy survey with a focus on weak gravitational lensing). I am also involved in the upcoming Euclid survey and the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) (both are optical lensing surveys) and CMB-S4, a next-generation ground-based mm-wave survey.
To analyze these survey data, I employ numerical simulations, Bayesian statistics, and machine-learning techniques.


Publication list and indices.

Talks and Events

A list of upcoming and past talks and events I will attend or have attended.


Students please look here for informations and course materials.


Scientific software I released and other code and tools I use and recommend.


Non-science stuff I am interested in.

Contact Information

sebastian.bocquet at

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München
Universitäts-Sternwarte, Raum 127
Scheinerstr. 1, 81679 Munich, Germany

Faculty of Physics